National Honor Society
Grades: 10-12
Membership is by qualification and invitation only
Membership in the National Honor Society is an important recognition of the positive contributions and admirable citizenship of high school students. That membership is not a right, however. It is a privilege that must be earned and maintained through demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character.
For the MCVA Chapter of the NHS, membership cannot be initiated by the student. The requirements for membership in our NHS chapter begin with 3 Scholarship prerequisites.
- First, the student must be classified as a sophomore, junior, or senior.
- Second, the student must have been enrolled in the MCVA for at least one full semester and still be enrolled in the MCVA.
- Third, the student’s GPA must be at least 3.25 on a 4.0 scale.
The MCVA NHS Chapter Adviser and MCVA Counselor review the currently enrolled students within the first two weeks of each semester to determine which students meet the Scholarship standards. Those students are then invited to submit evidence of their Leadership and Service activities by completing the Candidate Information Form and to have at least three supervising adults submit evidence of their demonstrated Character through completing the Candidate Attribute Rating Form.
The MCVA Faculty Council reviews the information submitted by and on the behalf of each candidate to determine whether or not to extend an offer of membership to the student. Once membership has been offered to a student, he or she becomes a member of the MCVA Chapter of the NHS during a New Member Induction Ceremony.
Delia Roberts